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All 12 /Adder 0 /African Buffalo 0 /African bush elephant 0 /Alcids 0 /Alpine accentor 0 /Alpine chough 0 /American white ibis 0 /American white pelican 0 /Amphibians 0 /Antarctic fur seal 0 /Antarctic prion 0 /Antarctic tern 0 /Apollo 0 /Arctic tern 0 /Ärlor och piplärkor 0 /Atlantic puffin 1 /Auks 1 /Bar-tailed godwit 0 /Barbary ground squirrel 0 /Barn swallow 0 /Barnacle goose 0 /Barred warbler 0 /Barrow's goldeneye 1 /Bäst pictures 2019 0 /Bästa bilder 0 /Bath white 0 /Bean goose 0 /Bearded reedling 0 /Bearded seal 0 /Bearded vulture 0 /Bedstraw hawk-moth 0 /Belted kingfisher 0 /Berthelot's pipit 0 /Best pictures 0 /Best pictures 2014 0 /Best pictures 2015 0 /Best pictures 2016 0 /Best pictures 2016 0 /Best pictures 2017 0 /Best pictures 2017 0 /Best pictures 2018 0 /Best pictures 2018 0 /Bird's nest orchid 1 /Birds of Sri Lanka 0 /Blac-necked grebe 0 /Black browed albatross 0 /Black grouse 0 /Black guillemot 0 /Black guillemot 0 /Black kite 0 /Black redstart 0 /Black tern 0 /Black-crowned night heron 0 /Black-headed gull 0 /Black-tailed godwit 0 /Black-throated loon 0 /Black-throated thrush 0 /Black-veined white 0 /Black-winged stilt 0 /Blackcap 0 /Blackish oystercatcher 0 /Blogg 0 /Blue tit 0 /Bluethroat 0 /Blyth's reed warbler 1 /Boat-tailed grackle 0 /Bohemian waxving 0 /Bonelli's eagle 0 /Brambling 0 /Brent goose 0 /Broad-billed sandpiper 0 /Broad-bodied chaser 0 /Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth 0 /Broad-leaved helleborine 1 /Brown bear 0 /Brown bear 0 /Brown hare 0 /Brown pelican 0 /Brown skua 0 /Buff-breasted sandpiper 0 /bullfinch 0 /Bulwer's petrel 0 /Buntings 0 /Burnt orchid 0 /Burrowing owl 0 /Butterflies 0 /Cackling goose 0 /Canada goose 0 /Cape petrell 0 /Capercaillie 0 /Carrion crow 0 /Caspian plover 1 /Caspian tern 0 /Cats 0 /Chaffinch 0 /Cheetah 0 /Chiffchaff 0 /Chinstrap penguin 0 /Cinereous vulture 0 /Coal tit 0 /Coltsfoot 0 /Commerson's dolphin 0 /Common blackbird 0 /Common blue 0 /Common buzzard 0 /Common crane 0 /Common cuckoo 0 /Common eider 0 /Common frog 0 /Common Goldeneye 0 /Common Guillemot 0 /Common gull 0 /Common hepatica 0 /Common Kestrel 0 /Common kingfisher 0 /Common linnet 0 /Common Moorhen 0 /Common pheasant 0 /Common Pochard 0 /Common quail 0 /Common redpoll 0 /Common Rosefinch 0 /Common sandpiper 0 /Common scoter 0 /Common shelduck 0 /Common snipe 0 /Common spotted orchid 1 /Common swift 0 /Common toad 0 /Common twayblade 0 /Common whitethroat 0 /Common wood pigeon 0 /Coraciiformes 0 /Cormorant, Shags and Pelicans 0 /Corn bunting 0 /Corncrake 0 /Corvids 0 /Cory's shearwater 0 /Cranberry blue 0 /Cream-colored cursor 0 /Creeping lady's-tresses 1 /Crested tit 0 /Cretzschmar's bunting 0 /Cross spider 0 /Cuculiformes 0 /Curlew sandpiper 0 /Dalmatian pelican 0 /Damselflies 0 /Dark green fritillary 0 /Dark-red helleborine 0 /Desert warbler 0 /Dippers 0 /Domestic pigeon 0 /Dotterel 0 /Doves and Pigeons 0 /Dragonflies 0 /Dragonflies 0 /Ducks 0 /Ducks 2 /Dunlin 0 /Eagles 0 /Early marsh-orchid 0 /Early-purple orchid 0 /Egyptian vulture 0 /Elder-flowered orchid 0 /Essex skipper 0 /Eurasian collared dove 0 /Eurasian Coot 0 /Eurasian curlew 0 /Eurasian eagle owl 0 /Eurasian jay 0 /Eurasian Magpie 0 /Eurasian Nightjar 0 /Eurasian Nuthatch 0 /Eurasian Otter 0 /Eurasian roller 0 /Eurasian siskin 0 /Eurasian Skylark 0 /Eurasian Spoonbill 0 /Eurasian three-toed woodpecker 0 /Eurasian tree sparrow 0 /Eurasian Treecreeper 0 /Eurasian woodcock 0 /Eurasion Wigeon 0 /European beaver 0 /European Bee-eater 0 /European ground squirrel 0 /European hedgehog 0 /European pied flycatcher 0 /European river lamprey 0 /European Robin 0 /European roller 0 /European Stonechat 0 /European Tree Frog 0 /Falcons 0 /Falkar 0 /Falkland steamer duck 0 /Fallow deer 0 /Fea's Petrel 0 /Fen orchid 1 /Ferruginous duck 0 /Fieldfare 0 /Finchs 0 /Finkar 0 /Firecrest 0 /Fish 0 /Fisktärna 0 /Flugblomster 0 /Fly orchid 0 /Flycatchers 0 /Forsärla 0 /Fragrant orchid 0 /Fulmar 0 /Gadwall 0 /Galliformes 0 /Garden warbler 0 /Garganey 0 /Gentoo penguin 0 /Giant petrel 0 /Glaucous gull 0 /Glossy ibis 0 /Goldcrest 0 /Golden eagle 0 /Golden oriole 0 /Goldfinch 0 /Grass snake 0 /Grasshopper warbler 0 /Grayling butterfly 0 /Great black-backed gull 0 /Great blue heron 0 /Great Cormorant 0 /Great crested grebe 0 /Great egret 0 /Great grey owl 0 /Great grey shrike 0 /Great northern diver 0 /Great reed warbler 0 /Great shearwater 0 /Great Snipe 0 /Great tit 0 /Great white pelican 0 /Greater butterfly-orchid 0 /Greater Scaup 0 /Greater short-toed lark 0 /Greater white-fronted goose 0 /Greater yellowleg 0 /Grebes 0 /Grebes 0 /Green bee-eater 0 /Green heron 0 /Green sandpiper 0 /Green shank 0 /Green woodpecker 0 /Green-veined white 0 /Green-winged orchid 0 /Greenfinch 0 /Greenish warbler 0 /Grey headed woodpecker 0 /Grey heron 0 /Grey partridge 0 /Grey plover 0 /Grey seal 0 /Greyheaded albatross 0 /Greylag goose 0 /Griffon vulture 0 /Gulls, terns and skuas 0 /Gyr falcon 0 /Hackspettar 0 /Hägrar, storkar och tranor 0 /Harbour seal 0 /Harlequin duck 0 /Hawkers 0 /Hawks 0 /Heath fritillary 0 /Heath spotted-orchid 0 /Hen harrier 0 /Herons, storks and cranes 0 /Herring gull 0 /Hobby 0 /Holly blue 0 /honey buzzard 0 /Hoopoe 0 /Horned grebe 0 /Horned lark 0 /Horse 0 /House sparrow 0 /Hume's leaf warbler 0 /Hummingbird hawkmouth 0 /Icterine warbler 0 /Imperial shag 0 /Insects 0 /Insects 1 /Ivory gull 0 /Jack Snipe 1 /Japan 0 /Journeys 0 /Kelp goose 0 /Kentish plover 0 /Kentsk tärna 0 /Kerguelen petrel 0 /King Eider 0 /King penguin 0 /Kingfishers 0 /Kinglets 0 /Kitesuring on water 0 /Kittiwake 0 /Kråka 0 /Kråkfåglar 0 /Lady's slipper 0 /Landscape 0 /Landscape 2018 0 /Lapland longspur 0 /Large emerald 0 /Large white 0 /Larks 0 /Leistes 0 /Leopard 0 /Lesser black-backed gull 0 /Lesser kestrel 0 /Lesser marbled fritillary 0 /Lesser short-toed lark 0 /Lesser whitethroat 0 /Light-mantled albatross 0 /Lion 0 /Little Auk 0 /Little auk 0 /Little bittern 0 /Little bunting 0 /Little egret 0 /Little grebe 0 /Little gull 0 /Little owl 0 /Little ringed plover 0 /Little stint 0 /Little tern 0 /Lizzards 0 /Lommar 0 /Long tailed duck 0 /Long-bracted green orchid 0 /Long-tailed tit 0 /Longbilled dowitcher 0 /Longtailed meadowlark 0 /Longwings 0 /Loons and Divers 0 /Macaroni penguin 0 /Madeiran Storm petrel 0 /Mallard 0 /Mammals 0 /Mandarin duck 1 /Marsh Helleborine 0 /Marsh tit 0 /Marsh warbler 0 /Måsfåglar 0 /Meadow brown 0 /Meadow pipit 0 /Mediterranean gull 0 /Merlin 0 /Military orchid 0 /Miscellanous plants 0 /Mistle thrush 0 /Montagu's harrrier 0 /Moose 0 /Muskox 0 /Mute swan 0 /Mwanza flath-headed rock agama 0 /Näktergal 0 /Narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth 0 /Narrow-bordered five-spot burnet 0 /Narrow-leaved helleborine 0 /Night Photography 0 /Northern gannet 0 /Northern goshawk 0 /Northern Hawk owl 0 /Northern lapwing 0 /Northern shoveler 0 /Northern Wheatear 0 /Oman 0 /Orchids 5 /Orchis spitzelii 0 /Orkidéer 0 /Ortolan bunting 0 /Osprey 0 /Owls, Nightjars and Frogmouths 0 /Oystercatcher 0 /Painted Lady 0 /Pale clouded yellow 0 /Pallas's Gull 0 /Pallid harrier 0 /Parasitic jaeger 0 /Parrot crossbill 0 /Passerines 1 /Patagonian crested duck 0 /Pendulin tit 0 /Penguins 0 /Peregrine falcons 0 /Pied avocet 0 /Pike 0 /Pine grosbeak 0 /Pink-footed Goose 0 /Pintail 0 /Plain swift 0 /Plants 0 /Polarbear 0 /Polarfox 0 /Polychaeta 1 /Pomarine skua 0 /Primates 0 /Przewalski's horse 0 /Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. gotlandica 0 /Purple emperor 0 /Purple heron 0 /Purple sandpiper 0 /Pygmy Cormorant 0 /Pyramidal orchid 0 /Queen of Spain fritillary 0 /Rabbit 0 /Rails 0 /Raptors 0 /Rariteter 0 /Raven 0 /Red admiral 0 /Red fox 0 /Red Helleborine 0 /Red kite 0 /Red knot 0 /Red squirrel 0 /Red-backed shrike 0 /Red-breasted flycatcher 0 /Red-crested pochard 0 /Red-footed falcon 0 /Red-necked grebe 0 /Red-necked phalarope 0 /Red-throated diver 0 /Redbreasted merganser 0 /Redshank 0 /Redstart 0 /Redwing 0 /Reed bunting 0 /Reindeer 0 /Reptiles 0 /Ring Ouzel 0 /Ringed plover 0 /Ringlet 0 /River warbler 0 /Rock ptarmigan 0 /Rock shag 0 /Roe Deer 0 /Rook 0 /Roseate tern 0 /Roskarl 0 /Rough-legged buzzard 0 /Rovfåglar 0 /Ruddy shelduck 0 /Ruff 0 /Rustic bunting 0 /Sabine's gull 0 /Sand martin 0 /Sanderling 0 /Sandwich tern 0 /Sardinian warbler 0 /Scarce copper 0 /Seabirds 0 /Seals 0 /Seatrout 0 /Sedge warbler 0 /Serin 0 /Short-eared owl 0 /Shrikes 0 /Siberian accentor 0 /Siberian Jay 0 /Siberian stonechat 0 /Siberian tit 0 /Silver-spotted skipper 0 /Sinharaja Rain Forest 0 /Six-spot burnet 0 /Skärpiplärka 0 /Skiing 0 /Skogshare 0 /Small copper 0 /Small heath 0 /Small pasque flower 0 /Small tortoiseshell 0 /Smew 0 /Smooth Newt 0 /Snakes 0 /Snow bunting 0 /Snow petrel 0 /Snowy sheath bill 0 /Song thrush 0 /Southern elephant seal 0 /Southern fulmar 0 /Southern rockhopper penguin 0 /Southern royal albatross 0 /Southgeorgia pipit 0 /Spanish sparrow 0 /Sparrowhawk 0 /Sparrows 0 /Speckled wood butterfly - Pararge aegeria 0 /Spectacled warbler 0 /Spiders 0 /Spillkråka 0 /Spotted flycatcher 0 /Spotted nutcracker 0 /Spotted redshank 0 /Squocco Heron 0 /Sri Lanka blue magpie 0 /Sri Lankan elephant 0 /Sri Lankan Frogmouth 0 /Starling 0 /Steller's eider 0 /Stenknäck 0 /Stock dove 0 /Stone curlew 0 /Storkar och tranor 0 /Storlom 0 /Storskrake 0 /Striated caracara 0 /Svart stork 0 /Swans and Geese 0 /Swifts and swallows 0 /Syrian woodpecker 0 /Tanzania 0 /Tawny owl 0 /Tawny pipit 0 /Teal 0 /Temminck's stint 0 /Tengmalm's owl 0 /Tereksnäppa 0 /Thick-billed Murre 0 /Thrush 0 /Tits 0 /Toque macaque 0 /Tordmule 0 /Trastar 0 /Travels 0 /Tree pipit 0 /Trumpeter finch 0 /Tufted duck 0 /Tundra Swan 0 /Turkey vulture 0 /Turquoise blue 0 /Turtle dove 0 /Twite 0 /Upland goose 0 /Ural owl 0 /Velvet scoter 0 /Viviparous lizard 0 /Vultures 0 /Waders 1 /Waders 2 /Wagtails and pipits 0 /walrus 0 /Wandering albatross 0 /Warbler 1 /Water rail 0 /Weavers 0 /Western marsh harrier 0 /Western marsh orchid 0 /Western sandpiper 0 /Western subalpine warbler 0 /Western yellow wagtail 0 /Whales 0 /Whimbrel 0 /Whinchat 0 /Whiskered tern 0 /White stork 0 /White wagtail 0 /White-backed woodpecker 0 /White-chinned petrel 0 /White-tailed eagle 0 /White-throated dipper 0 /White-throated robin 0 /White-winged scoter 0 /White-winged tern 0 /Whooper swan 0 /Wild bore 0 /Willow ptarmigan 0 /Willow tit 0 /Willow warbler 0 /Wilson's storm petrel 0 /Wolf 0 /Wolverine 0 /Wood anemone 0 /Wood lark 0 /Wood sandpiper 0 /Wood warbler 0 /Woodland brown 0 /Woodpeckers 0 /Wren 0 /Yellow crowned Night heron 0 /Yellow-billed pintail 0 /Yellow-billed teal 0 /Yellow-browed warbler 0 /Yellow-legged gull 0 /Yellow-winged darter 0 /Yellowhammer 0
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